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On December 16, 1945, two hundred fifty persons marched from the Triedstone Baptist Church to the Phyllis Wheatley Association, where the Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church was established. On the evening of December 26, 1945, a call was extended to Dr. John Rollin Plummer to become the pastor of this newly established body of Christians. The church prospered, both spiritually and financially, under the leadership of Dr. Plummer, working in concert with the first leaders of this congregation and a dedicated membership, the staggering sum of $47,000 was raised. On April 30, 1946, the Jewish Synagogue, located at 1161 East 105th Street, was purchased. November 9, 1947, the Greater Abyssinia members marched from the Phyllis Wheatley Association, on Cedar Avenue, to their new home. Peace and harmony prevailed and miraculous strides were achieved under the pastorate of Dr. John Rollin Plummer. 






The Greater Abyssinia Baptist Church

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