Sunday School - 9 am
Conference Call
1-(240)-591-0218 Code: 727235
Worship Service - 11:00 am
In-person & YouTube Livestream (If you would like to worship in person, click for more details)

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm est
Conference Call
1-(978)-990-5000 Code: 119659

JOIN Dolly Parton's Imagination Library!!!
WHAT IS IT? Free books for children birth to five who are residents of these Cleveland zip codes:
44103, 44105, 44106, 44108, 44112, 44115, 44119, 44120, 44127 44128,
and/or these communities: Cleveland Heights, East Cleveland, Euclid, Shaker Heights, University Heights, Bedford, Garfield Heights, Maple Heights and Warrensville Heights.
There is no obligation.
Just complete the registration form, mail it in and in 8-10 weeks a book will arrive in the mail for your child. One book a month until age 5.
Absolutely FREE!!! (click picture to sign-up online.)